Saturday, September 8, 2012

Discovery Jars ("dry")

These have been some of the most popular items in the room so far.  I have these out on the table from the beginning and only put them away when it's time for lunch and nap.  I found the jars at the dollar store near me and filled them with a variety of different objects and things to fill around them.

There are dinosaurs, colored dice, a ball and jacks set, buttons, beads and bells, even just a bag of poms that were special shiny ones.  Some are in beans, some in rice, some just by themselves.  All the lids are super glued shut for safety and I am keeping a close eye on them everyday to make sure no cracks appear (just in case they get dropped on the floor too many times).

Not pictured here are the "wet" ones I also made.  Glitter jars that swirl, beads and sequins and even butterflies that float all around when turned.  Those I'm holding back for now, and will be a floor only jar so less chance of being pushed off the table.  Will post pictures of those when they come out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, your jars are great! May I ask why you put them on a table and not on a shelf? Thank you. I love your blog by the way!
